The Reports of Our Death Have been Greatly Exaggerated
Saint Joseph's College in Rensselaer, IN, has had a long and storied history, but like many institutions, it has faced challenges in...

The Reports of My (Our) Death Have been Greatly Exaggerated
Preamble These purported words of Mark Twain can aptly be applied to Saint Joseph’s College in Rensselaer, IN. A recent book entitled...

Twenty Years As A U.S. University President--Universal Management Lessons Learned
That May Not be Taught in the Classroom William J. Carroll President, Hunter Global Education President Emeritus, Benedictine University...
Filtering Out Equity? How Our Universities/Colleges Work Against Our Best Interest.
The U.S. higher education system has employed a filtering system that may forever prevent higher educational parity among those seeking...

OUTREACH AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Introduction In these troubling and precarious times, universities are having to make extremely...

Liberal Arts Institutions’ Classrooms Becoming Virtual--A Necessary Paradigm Shift Now Underway in L
It is amazing how the situation on the ground at our universities and colleges is changing every day. Institutions are attempting to go...

2019 China-Sino Joint Program Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony of the University of St. Francis (USF) and Sichuan University of Science and Engineering (SUSE) joint program was...

GlocalEdu and Hunter Global Education (HGE) Strategic Alliance
Glocal and Hunter Global Education, one a Chinese company and the other American, have formed a unique alliance to provide tailored...

New joint program with an exciting new start
Hunter has recently visited the joint program partner of University of St. Francis (USF), Sichuan University of Science and Engineering...

Tuition Discounting--Problem or Symptom?
Tuition Discounting—Problem or Symptom? “To discount or not to discount” is not the question. Across the landscape that is higher...